The SMPs are a game changer! They are simple to use, and the reminders come in at the perfect time!
Automatic reminders that come into ECRM as tasks for Claims, New Customers, Defectors, and more!
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Best of all, if we make a change or release new content, we will add it to your Cloud automatically!
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The SMPs are a game changer! They are simple to use, and the reminders come in at the perfect time!
Automatic reminders that come into ECRM as tasks for Claims, New Customers, Defectors, and more!
Get 1% better every day!
All of my new hires go through the program starting on their 1st day. I put my existing team through it once a year as well. The quizzes make sure they are just not clicking through the content - I love it!
© Copyright by Sean Morton. All Rights Reseved.
State Farm has not reviewed or approved this material, and neither supports or endorses the material presented. Additionally, State Farm makes no warranty regarding the accuracy or usability of the information contained in the presentation.